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What’s the Big Deal About Local Search Citations? What Are They and How Can They Help You?

Umbrella Local Citation Management / Business Listing

Local Citation Management for Your Business 

If you’ve been paying attention to changes and trends in SEO (search engine optimization) lately, you’ve probably noticed people talking about local search citations. Unless you’re already familiar with local citations in the context of SEO and business, this term is probably somewhat confusing.

To understand why local search citations are important to your business, you first have to understand what citations are and how they work.

What Are Local Citations?

Whenever your business’ name is mentioned on a website that’s not affiliated with yours, even when there is no link back to your website, that’s a citation. If that mention is associated with your area or location, then it’s considered a local citation.

Examples of local citations can include the Yellow Pages, Yelp, and other business listings, data aggregators, and directories.

How Do Local Citations Help Your Business?

Now, you may be wondering how citations like these can help your business, especially if they don’t necessarily include a back link to your website. Well, with or without those links, local citations are incredibly good for SEO. Basically, if two websites for similar companies have roughly the same keyword density, the same traffic, and the same quality content, both Google and Bing will favor the one that has more local citations on other sites.

So, the more citations you have, the higher you can rise in search results rankings.

If you’re neck-and-neck with one of your competitors for traffic, leads, and customer conversions, a boost in local citations could be all you need to get an edge on them. 

Why Local Citation Management Matters

With most business listings and data aggregators, you’ll have to push your listing to them to get a citation. Doing this manually can be incredibly time consuming, but you might do it yourself because it’s worth it to you to get a head start on your competition and to drive more traffic to your site.

However, what happens when you move locations? What if you need to change or add a phone number? Suddenly, you’re looking at doing all that work over again.

Why? Because local citations really only work in your favor if all of the data about your company is accurate. This is where good local citation management comes in.

When you find a good local listings management provider, you don’t actually have to do any of your own work on your local citations. Instead, you can just give them your information, and they will automatically push it to all of the appropriate sites and listings for you.

Then, when you need to update your info, you can just let them know, and they’ll manage all of your updates for you.


Umbrella Consultants now offers an easy way to control all of your business listings and local citations in one place. You don’t have to manually enter your company info over and over again, and if you need to make changes, you can do it once and trust Umbrella Local in partnership with Outer Banks Concierge to handle the rest.

Get an edge on your competition with Umbrella Consultants and local citations for your company.